Below are photos taken of Tanker
80 at Hemet-Ryan. These would be typical of all of the Cal Fire Turbo

Stepping up into the aircraft. There is a
cutout in the 1200 gallon fire retardant tank at the bottom of the photo to
allow access through the normal S2F passenger door.

Flight deck of a Marsh S-2T Turbo Tracker.

The hydraulic tubing and wiring at the rear of the
forward passenger area. The entire aircraft was re-plumbed and rewired as
it was converted into an S-2T.

The 1200 gallon retardant tank can be loaded three
minutes for quick turnarounds.
Below are the Cal Fire Turbo
Tracker photos in order by Navy Bureau Number.
Tanker 78 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 71 - Ramona, CA May 20, 2009

Tanker 73 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 74 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 86 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
14, 2010

Tanker 91- Porterville, CA May 19, 2009

Tanker 85 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 75 - Hemet-Ryan Air Attack Base, Hemet, CA May 14, 2009

152337: Tanker 76 - Cal Fire
Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May 19, 2009

152341: Tanker 93 - Cal Fire
Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May 14, 2010

152345: Tanker 80 - Hemet-Ryan Air
Attack Base, Hemet, CA May 14, 2009

152347: Tanker 95 - Cal Fire
Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May 19, 2009

Tanker 100 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 82 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
14, 2010

Tanker 83 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 88 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 89 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 94 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tanker 81 - Fresno, CA May 18, 2009 This Aircraft was destroyed in a
fatal accident on October 7, 2014 fighting the Flat Rock Fire in the Yosemite
National Park.
This is a Hollister based S-2T that was photographed at
Fresno Air Attack Base. Several of the Turbo Trackers were
at the wrong bases in May as the fire season started early, and the aircraft
that were inspected and ready were put into service, regardless of where the
home base assignment was.

Tanker 70 - Ramona, CA May 20, 2009

Tanker 90 - Porterville, CA May 19, 2009

Tanker 72 - Cal Fire Maintenance Depot, McClellan Airport, Sacramento, CA May
19, 2009

Tankers 75 and 80 as photographed from the
Hemet-Ryan tower.

Tankers 70 and 71as photographed from the Ramona
Viewing area.