Grumman S2F Tracker Survivors
By David D Jackson

Focusing on Existing Grumman S2F / S-2 Tracker, TF-1 / C-1A Trader and WF-2 / E-1B Tracer Airframes

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The Grumman S2F / S-2 Tracker Survivors website will continue to update the Grumman Tracker Series of aircraft that still exist, which includes the S2F (S-two-f or Stoof), CS2F Tracker, the TF-1 / C-1A Trader, and WF-2 / E-1B Tracer.  Since the initiation of this website and effort in 2006, I have found and logged 242 Trackers, 25 Traders, and 6 Tracers that still exist worldwide.  Separately cataloged are another 91 Trackers, 3 Traders, and 11 Tracers in the United Aeronautical Corporation Salvage Yard in Tucson, AZ.  Those airframes are supplying parts, and will never leave that facility as an entire airframe.

This page updated 10-13-2024.

The Iron Lady, 136427, is coming at you!!  Anderson Runway 18 in 1998. Photo courtesy of Brian Gwaltney.

Unfortunately, very few of these hardworking and venerable aircraft are still around today.  Even fewer are still flying at air shows or displayed at aviation museums around the world.  Our primary focus will be to provide you with up-to-date information on where you can see the remaining Trackers, Traders, and Tracers, and also provide direct links to any information, including photos of these venerable aircraft.

This has been, and continues to be, an interesting task.  The final number of Trackers and their derivatives still in existence worldwide is yet unknown.  I am continually updating the site as I discover new information and aircraft. 

David D Jackson

Trackers are world famous!! 

This is from the front page of the "China Daily-The National English Language Newspaper" from October 24, 2007.  I was on a business trip all the way to Shanghai, China.  There, during breakfast at the hotel, was a photo of Tanker 73 (149848) on the front page of the newspaper!

Worldwide Database of the locations of known existing Trackers, Traders, and Tracers

Registered -
These are aircraft that are registered with a country's respective civil aviation authority for civilian flight.  For the most part, these are air tankers used in three countries, a handful of warbirds, and some that, even though still registered, are museum displays with no intent of being flown by their present owners. 
- These are aircraft that are in service with a country's respective military service.  Surprisingly, the S2F is still in limited service with two military arms.  Seeing how the S2F first flew in 1952 and is still in military service, puts it in the same longevity class as the Boeing B-52.  This is outstanding!
Museum - These are aircraft no longer registered, nor in active military service, but are currently on static display at any type of venue.  They can be either inside or outside.  One is located outside the entrance to an international airport.
Storage - These are aircraft that do not fit in any of the above classifications.  They are still sitting on the landing gear and still look to be a whole airframe.  Engines do not need to be on, as they are the first items to be used on another flying aircraft and can be replaced rather easily.  There is still the possibility the aircraft could be made flyable, or into a museum display.  There are some S2F hulks in British Columbia, Canada that have not been included in this classification, as the landing gears have been removed and the airframes are being used as spare parts.

World Wide Location of S2F/S-2 or CS2F Trackers - Aircraft were all originally built by Grumman or deHavilland Canada.  As currently registered or flying, the aircraft could have been remanufactured by Conair, Grumman, Marsh, IAI, or others.  Not included in this accounting are 91 Trackers located at United Aeronautical Corporation in Tucson, AZ.
For the first time since this website opened in 2006, the number of Trackers has gone down.  With the sale of 11 Trackers (10 of them previously identified on this website) in Australia to UAC for spare parts, the number has gone down by ten.  The previously high of 251 will probably never be reached again.
Country Registered Military Museum/Display Storage Total
Argentina 0 5 3 1 9
Australia 1 0 3 4 8
Brazil 0 0 5 4 9
Canada 17 0 13 17 47
France 8 0 0 0 8
Italy 0 0 5 0 5
Japan 0 0 1 0 1
Netherlands 0 0 4 0 4
Peru 0 0 3 0 3
South Korea 0 0 8 0 8
Taiwan 0 27 4 0 31
Thailand 0 0 1 7 8
Turkey 1 0 7 1 9
Uruguay 0 0 1 4 5
Venezuela 0 0 2 1 3
USA 41 0 30 12 88
Total 72 32 91 47 242


World Wide Location of TF-1/C-1A Traders - Not included in this accounting are 3 Traders located at United Aeronautical Corporation in Tucson, AZ.
Country Registered Military Museum Storage Total
Brazil 0 4 0 4 8
USA 9 0 6 2 17
Total 9 4 6 6 25


World Wide Location of WF-2/E-1B Tracers - Not included in this accounting are 11 Tracers located at United Aeronautical Corporation in Tucson, AZ.
Country Registered Military Museum Storage Total
USA 0 0 6 0 6

2024 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:

136573:  This Tracker is once again up for sale.  This is the second time this aircraft has been up for sale this year as it originally sold on 7-25-2024. 

The current bidding on the aircraft closes on 10-22-2024.  As of 10-13-2024, the bid was $725 with 22 bids being made.  The original bid was for $10.  Trackers get no respect with an initial bid of $10.

This information provided courtesy of Stephen Burdette and Tracy Thomas.
DDJ 10-13-2024

151664:  In May 2018, I visited this Tracker at the Historical Aircraft Restoration Project located at the former NAS Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY.  The aircraft had recently arrived at this location from the Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island, NY.  I noted that 151664 was in "sad shape" and had apparently been damaged in transit.  In the ensuing six years the volunteers have gone to work on the Tracker and have restored it to museum display condition.  The Historical Aircraft Restoration Project team has done an excellent job of restoring this aircraft.  Below are four photos of 151664 in its restored condition.  I want to thank Dominick from the Restoration Project for updating me on this aircraft and providing the photos.
DDJ 10-13-2024

Photo courtesy of Dominick Vasaturo.  

Photo courtesy of Dominick Vasaturo.

Photo courtesy of Dominick Vasaturo.

Photo courtesy of Dominick Vasaturo.

152828:  This former Argentine Naval Aviation Tracker was donated on May 17, 2024 to the city of Lujan.  It will go on display at the entrance to the city.
More information can be found at:
This information provided courtesy of Neil Stephenson.
DDJ 8-22-2024.

136573:  This Tracker was sold to an unknown owner on 7-25-2024.
This information provided courtesy of Stephen Burdette.
DDJ 8-22-2024

Trackers Deregistered as of 2-12-2024: 

Deregistered Trackers as of 2-12-2024
Bureau Number FAA Registration Owner, Location


Date Deregistered New Category
133090 N417DF Columbia Airport, CA 9-24-2021 USA Museum or Outside Display Category
133204  N710VC Specline Corp dba The Cactus Air Force of Carson City, NV  9-4-2021 Storage Category
133275 N423DF Christopher Schneider, Sutter Creek, CA 9-21-2021 Storage Category
133322 N406DF Christopher Schneider, Sutter Creek, CA 10-31-2020 Storage Category
136479 N420DF Christopher Schneider, Sutter Creek, CA 12-4-2021 Storage Category
136636 N7141D Rick Clemens, Carson City, NV 11-5-2022 Storage Category

The Last Known Location of the former Marsh Trackers auctioned off in December 2022:  I had not heard or really had an opportunity to determine where the Marsh Trackers went after they were auctioned off.  Then, in January 2024, I received an email from Mr. Dave Stock of the United Kingdom.  Mr. Stock visited Arizona in March 2023 in order to overfly the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) at Davis-Monthan ARB in Tucson, AZ.  To those of us interested in warbirds, this is more commonly known as the bone yard. This is very cool.  While I did a bus tour of the AMARG many years ago, I was unaware one could now fly over it. 

While Mr. Stock was in Arizona, he also visited several other aviation locations and took aircraft photos like many of us do when we go somewhere.  One such stop was the former Marsh Aviation at Mesz, AZ.  There he photographed several Trackers that were still there from the December 2022 auction.  When he returned home, Mr. Stock found my website with the listing of the Trackers that were sold in the auction and began researching their location.  The information shown below includes the work of Mr. Stock and many of his photos.  Thanks to his research we now know who purchased many of the Marsh Trackers and where they ended up. 

Five former Marsh Trackers were purchased by the United Aeronautical Corporation (UAC) for parts.  They are 136665, 135723, 136724, 151667, and 136743.  United is the world's largest supplier of Grumman Tracker spare parts.  I was able to visit it in 2010.  Since I was there not only have the former Marsh aircraft been added to the inventory, but several Trackers from Australia were purchased for spare parts.

Three Trackers were found at ATW Restoration Company of Marana, AZ.  This company is a warbird restoration facility.  Mr. Stock found 136666, 136668, and 147531 which had all been disassembled for the transport from Mesa, AZ to Marana, AZ.  By August 2023, ATW had reassembled 146531 which can be seen from West Avra Valley Road.

Trackers 136613, 136737, and 136746 are still located at Marsh Aviation.

Trackers136729 and 13670 are in unknown locations.

Tracker 136736 is the only aircraft from the Marsh collection that has been returned to flying condition.  It is in Nickerson, KS.

Mr. Stock's research and photos have been instrumental in doing this update on the location of the former Marsh Trackers.  Without his information and photos, I would not have been able to provide the information below.  Thank you Mr. Stock.

All photos and information in this section were added 2-7-2024.

DDJ 2-7-2024 

Former Marsh Tracker Current Locations as of February 7, 2024
Year and Type Bureau Number Marsh FAA Registration Tail Number Final Bid Owner as of 2-3-2024 Current Location Comments
1955 S2F-1 136613 N613MA 180 $1,200 Marsh Aviation Former Marsh Aviation Storage Yard This was converted to a Marsh S-2F1T Turbo Tracker.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA.
1957 S2F-1 136665 N665MA 13 $2,300 UAC UAC Yard in Tucson, AZ Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  This aircraft has been de-registered with the FAA.  The airframe has been disassembled.
1957 S2F-1 136666 N5830H 14 $2,400 Unknown Owner-San Diego, CA ATW Restoration Company Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA, but appears to be in the process of being de-registered.  The airframe has been disassembled.
1958 S2F-1 136668 N5830D 16 $800 Unknown Owner-San Diego, CA ATW Restoration Company Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA, but appears to be in the process of being de-registered.  The airframe has been disassembled.
1958 S2F-1 136723 N327MA 32 $2,100 UAC UAC Yard in Tucson, AZ Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  This aircraft has been de-registered with the FAA.  The airframe has been disassembled.
1958 S2F-1 136724 N724MA 33 $1,100 UAC UAC Yard in Tucson, AZ Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA, but appears to be in the process of being de-registered.  The airframe has been disassembled.
1958 S2F-1 136729 N729MA 35 $6,500 Unknown Owner-Tucson, AZ Unknown location If someone knows the location of this airframe, please contact me with that information.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA, but appears to be in the process of being de-registered.
1958 S2F-1 136736 N736MA 154 $23,250 William E Garrison, Jr.- Nickerson, KS Nickerson, KS This is the second S2F that Mr. Garrison has purchased for conversion to an air tanker. 
1958 S2F-1 136737 N773MA 40 $10,000 Unknown Owner-Rockland, MA Former Marsh Aviation Storage Yard This aircraft is still registered with the FAA, but appears to be in the process of being de-registered.
1958 S2F-1 136740 N740MA 43 $2,500 Unknown Owner-San Diego, CA Unknown location If someone knows the location of this airframe, please contact me with that information.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA, but appears to be in the process of being de-registered.
1958 S2F-1 136743 N743MA 44 $7,000 UAC UAC Yard in Tucson, AZ Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  This aircraft has been de-registered.  The airframe has been disassembled.
1958 S2F-1 136746 N746MA 155 $9,500 Unknown Owner-Amboy, WA Former Marsh Aviation Storage Yard This was converted to a Marsh S-2F1T Turbo Tracker.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA, but appears to be in the process of being de-registered.
1959 S2F-1 147531 N147MA 26 $2,700 Unknown Owner ATW Restoration Company Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  As of August 2023, the wings, landing gear, engines, and props have been re-installed on this Tracker.  This aircraft has been de-registered with the FAA at some time previous to the auction.
1964 S-2E 151667 N667MA 24 $1,000 Holt Lawrence-North Hollywood, CA UAC Yard in Tucson, AZ Found by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.  The address given for Mr. Lawrence is the same for UAC.  He may be an officer with the company and his name was assigned to the FAA registration.  This aircraft is still registered with the FAA.  The airframe has been disassembled. 

Former Marsh Aviation Tracker Airframes at Marsh Aviation, Mesa, AZ:  As of 9-25-2023, three Trackers were still at this location.  They were: 136613, 136736, and 136737.

This Google Maps Satellite view shows the Grumman Trackers and Grumman Albatrosses that were in the Marsh Aviation yard prior to the December 2022 auction.  Image courtesy of Google Maps. 

This and the next image are views of the Marsh outside storage area shown from the street before the auction.  Image courtesy of Google Maps. 

Image courtesy of Google Maps.

This Google Earth satellite view taken 9-25-2023 shows that there are three Trackers and three Albatrosses still remaining in the storage area.  Image courtesy of Google Earth.

      The Tracker with orange paint and no engines in the center of the yard is 136613. This is the first Marsh turbo Tracker used to test the concept of installing turbines in place of radial engines on the aircraft.  Marsh Aviation purchased this aircraft back from the auction for $1,200.  The Tracker in the lower right with red paint and no engines is 136736.  This was the second Marsh Turbo tracker and was purchased by an unknown buyer in Amboy, WA.  The third Tracker is 136737 which was purchased by an unknown buyer from Rockland, MA for $10,000.  Image courtesy of courtesy of Google Earth.

When Mr. Stock arrived at Marsh Aviation, the sun had already set.  However, he was still able to photograph the three Trackers in the storage lot.  This is 136613 which is tail number 180.  Dave has provided positive identification of this airframe shown in the Google Earth view above.  In the background, it is possible to read some of the tail markings of 155 on 136746, confirming its presence at Marsh.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock. 

Author's photo of 136746 with 155 on the vertical stabilizer. 

Mr. Stock took this photo over the block wall that surrounds the Marsh storage lot.  The markings of the Tracker in the foreground confirms this is 136737.  This has the same markings as the photo shown next that I took when at Marsh Aviation in May 2009.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock.

Author's photo of 135737. 

Mr. Stock was also able to photograph 136729 and 136736.  Both were at Marsh when Mr. Stock visited there in March 2023. By the end of September 2023, they were gone.  136729 left for an unknown location and 136726 flew to Nickerson, KS.  136729 has no paint with the exception of the nose and engine nacelles.  

The auctioneers identified this airframe as 136729. 

The image of the rear of the aircraft matches with the Mr. Stock's photo of 136729. 

Former Marsh Aviation Tracker Airframes at the United Aeronautical Corporation yard at Tucson, AZ:  Former Marsh Trackers located at this location are 136665, 135723, 136724, 151667, and 136743.

This is one of Mr. Stock's photo's from his flight over the AMARG.  In this case, this is the UAC yard.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock.

This section of his photo from above shows the aircraft he identified as being former Marsh Trackers.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock.

This and the next photo were taken through the chain link fence.  He is one of many, including myself, who have taken photos of the trackers in the UAC yard from this location.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock.

Mr. Stock was able to identify all of the aircraft in this row except for the one beyond "32."  This is the one with the rod sticking out of it and the paint flaking off.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock.

This image 136743 identifies this as the missing fuselage in the group at UAC.

Former Marsh Aviation Tracker Airframes at ATW Restoration Company in Marana, AZ:  Former Marsh Trackers located at this location are 136666, 136668, and 147531.

In this image, the fuselage sections of 136666 and 136668 can be seen.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock.

Tracker 147431 can be seen in this image.  Photo courtesy of Dave Stock.

This Google Maps street view dated August 2023 shows that 147531 has been reassembled.

The auctioneers identified this airframe as 147531.  Note that the paint scheme on the vertical stabilizer is the same as the rebuilt Tracker at ATW Restoration. 

148922:  This E-1B Tracer has been moved from the UAC yard in Tucson, AZ to the nearby Pima Air and Space Museum.  The owner has moved it to the Pima Air Museum to continue the restoration of the aircraft.  

This aircraft was identified and photographed by Mr. Dave Stock in March 2023.

Photo courtesy of Dave Stock added 2-7-2024.

Photo courtesy of Dave Stock added 2-7-2024.

147641:  I want to thank Mr. Jan de Boeff for sending these photos of 147641 doing engine run-ups in the Netherlands. 

Photo courtesy of Jan de Boeff added 2-7-2024.

Photo courtesy of Jan de Boeff added 2-7-2024.


2023 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:  Unfortunately, 2023 was a quiet year for the Grumman Tracker.  There were no new updates.

2022 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:

Marsh Aviation Steve Williams informed me on 11-28-2022 that Marsh Aviation, which for many years supplied Cal Fire with both piston powered and turbo powered Grumman Trackers, is going out of business.  All of the equipment and parts, including fourteen Tracker airframes are being auctioned off.  While it is sad to hear this has happened, it is not a surprise.  With its business model of re-furbishing S2F Trackers as fire bombers, when Cal Fire purchased its last S-2T, the end was in sight.  While it was able to convert several C-2s for Brazil, it apparently could not find any more new business. 

The bidding has closed on the Grumman Trackers at Marsh.  The good news is that on several of the aircraft there was some intense bidding at higher than just scrap values for the airframes.  Below are the final bids to the best of my knowledge.  Several of them closed as I was watching the bidding on other airframes.  There were at least four different individuals bidding for and winning the Trackers.
DDJ 12-7-2022

The Final Bids:

  1. - 136613.  1955 S2F-1 converted to a US-2A.  Grumman serial number 522.  Described as a Marsh S-2F1T Turbo Tracker.  Registered as N613MA.  Number 180. Final bid =  $1,200.

  2. - 136665.  1957 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N665MA.  Number 13.  Final bid = $2,300.

  3. - 136666.  1957 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N5830H.  Number 14.  Final bid =  $2,400.

  4. - 136668.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N5830D.  Number 16.  Last known bid = $800.

  5. - 136723.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N327MA.  Number 32.  Last known bid = $1,100.

  6. - 136724.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N724MA.  Number 33.  Last known bid = $2,100.

  7. - 136729.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N729MA.  Number 35.   Final bid = $6,500.

  8. - 136736.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N736MA.  Number 154.  Final bid = $23,250.

  9. - 136737.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N773MA.  Number 40.  Final bid = $10,000.

  10. - 136740.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N740MA.  Number 43.  Final bid = $2,500.

  11. - 136743.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker.  Registered as N743MA.  Number 44.  Final bid = $7,000.

  12. - 136746.  1958 S2F-1.  This is a former Japanese Tracker and was apparently the prototype S-2T Turbo Tracker.  Registered as N746MA.  Number 155. Final bid =  $9,500.

  13. - 147531.  1959 S2F-3.  This was obtained from Seattle University and converted to an S2F-3T.  Tested a Naval Station Pax River in 1991 for carrier qualifications.  Registered as N147MA.  Number 26.  Final bid =  $2,700

  14. - 151667.  1964 S2-E.  This is a former U.S. Navy Tracker.  Registered as N667MA.  Number 24.  Final bid = $1,000.

The Trackers that are shown as previously serving with the Japanese Defense Forces all have around 7,000 hours on the airframe.  The intention of Marsh Aviation was to convert these into Turbo Trackers.

146044:  On 9-21-2022, David Huffman of Oklahoma City notified me that he was now the proud owner of Trader 146044.  For as long as I can remember, this aircraft has been owned by Doug Goss of Topeka, KS, and operated under the name of "Trader Air, Inc."  Congratulations to David Huffman on becoming the new owner of this great looking Trader. David mentioned that he had already had it out to two airshows already and was planning on more.  I look forward to seeing this Trader on the airshow circuit in the near future.  DDJ 9-23-2022.

Photo courtesy of David Huffman.

Photo courtesy of David Huffman.

Photo courtesy of David Huffman.

Photo courtesy of David Huffman.

2021 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:

In July 2021, I was in Florida on a family vacation.  This allowed me to visit both the Valiant Air Museum in Titusville and the Kissimmee Gateway Airport.  While there, I was able to photograph and update my information on Trackers 136534, 136433, and Trader 146029.

136534:  The first time I visited 136534 at the Kissimmee Gateway, FL airport was in July 2010. The aircraft at that time looked to be in reasonable shape for being stored outside.  My return visit in July 2021 told a totally different and sad story.  The aircraft looked derelict, highly weathered, and the props had been removed.  In other words, 136534 is currently in very sad shape.  DDJ 7-27-2021.

This is 136534 in July 2010.  The aircraft is in relatively good condition.  Author's photo.

  Author's photo.

This is 136534 in July 2021.  It has been moved from its previous position on the ramp.  The wings have been folded and the propellers removed.  For the wings to be folded, an engine would have needed to be running, unless an external source of 3,000 psi hydraulic pressure was supplied.  The propellers would also have been on the aircraft at the time of the engine run-ups.  The bombs on the wings were also removed.  The Tracker was deregistered in 2018.  Author's photo added 7-27-2021.

 The crew hatch is slightly open and is not secured.  Author's photo added 7-27-2021.

146029:  Also located across the ramp from the Tracker 136534 is Trader C-1A 146029.  This is the first time I have seen the aircraft, which was previously stored in Tom Reilly's former hangar at the airport. I was told at Warbird Adventures that it had a broken spar.  The Trader looks to be in very good condition, indicating it has not been outside for very long.  With a broken spar, it is unlikely it will ever fly again.  However, it would make an excellent static display in a museum.  The aircraft was deregistered in October 2013.  DDJ 7-27-2021.

Author's photo added 7-27-2021.

136433:  There is some good news on 136433 at the Valiant Air Museum in Titusville, FL.  This Tracker was in the maintenance hangar to bring it back to air or near airworthiness, as the museum wants to get all the systems working but does not plan on flying the aircraft.  Instead, it will run the engines and do wing fold demonstrations.  It was not specified when these demonstrations would begin.  DDJ 7-27-2021.

It was a pleasant surprise to see that 136433 had been moved from its display area in the Vietnam War hangar to the maintenance hangar.   Author's photo added 7-27-2021.

The props have had their five-year Air Worthiness Directive recently completed.  Author's photo added 7-27-2021.

The spare engine for the Tracker is in front of the port engine.  Author's photo added 7-27-2021.

RCN 1573:  RCN 1573 arrived safely at the BC Aviation Museum July 5, 2021.  The Tracker can now be put on display for the visitors of the museum.
DDJ 7-8-2021

RCN 1573:  RCN 1573 has been moved from its location in the parking lot of the University of the Fraser Valley in Chilliwack, BC.  (See the report below in 2020 Current Events.)  As of this date, it has been moved to a secure location near the banks of the Fraser River while the British Columbia Aviation Museum, now the owner of the Tracker, waits for the river to rise with the spring thaw.  When the water is high enough, the Museum plans to load the Tracker onto a barge.  It will then be moved down the Fraser River and across the Strait of Georgia to the museum located in Victoria on Vancouver Island.  It should be at the museum this summer.  Thank you to Paul Thompson and David Martin Jackson, President of the BC Aviation Museum, for providing the update.  DDJ 3-11-2021.


2020 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:

RCN 1573:  This Tracker was previously located at the Chilliwack Military Education Centre in Chilliwack, BC, which closed in 2015.  The Tracker was then moved to an undisclosed location.  Information received from Kaz Sjoblom indicates the aircraft is now at 45070 Caen Ave. Chilliwack BC in Canada Education Park.  Thank you to Kaz Sjoblom for providing this update.  DDJ 10-28-2020.

Photo courtesy of Kaz Sjoblom. 

The photos show that some work has been done on the aircraft.  When I photographed it in May 2012, the engine nacelles were painted orange and 573 was painted on the nose.  The top rudder section was also missing in 2012.  That has not yet been repaired.  Photo courtesy of Kaz Sjoblom.

152836:  Here is a photo from the Steve Walter collection of Cal Fire Tanker 94 at the 2016 Reno Air Races. 

Photo courtesy of Steve Walter added 5-26-2020.

RCN 1600:  Good news!  Laurie Miller from Ontario has informed me that this Tracker has now found a home at the Edenvale Aerodrome east of Strayer, ONT.  This, and many of the aircraft from the former Toronto Aerospace Museum that closed in 2011, are now located here.  The museum closed, when it along with other tenants in the building at Downsville, were denied continuation of their leases.  The landlord wanted to build a hockey rink at that location.  After all these years, the Tracker, along with the rest of the collection, has ended up at the Edenvale Aerodrome as part of the renamed "Canadian Air & Space Conservatory."  The Tracker is on outdoor display with a Mig-15 and a T-33.  There is also a new hangar for many of the aircraft to be display indoors.  I look forward to making a trip to see RCN 1600 in the near future.  Thank you to Laurie Miller for providing this information.  DDJ 4-2-2020

RCN 1577:  Laurie also informed me that this was on track for a first flight in 2022.  This is the Tracker owned by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum that was being restored to flight status since 2012.  It is unknown how much the Covid-19 pandemic will affect this progress.  Thank you to Laurie for providing this information.  DDJ 4-2-2020

2019 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:

RCN 1573:  This former RCN Tracker was donated to the Chilliwack Military Education Centre in Chilliwack, BC by Conair in January 2010.  I had the opportunity to stop and photograph it in May 2012.  In 2015 the Education Center lost its lease on the building it was in, and all of the display items are reported to be in storage in barns and houses.  The location and status of the Tracker is unknown.  Any information on this airframe would be appreciated.
DDJ  11-19-2019

RCN 1600:  The Toronto Aerospace Museum, Toronto, Ontario has a similar situation as the one above, also having closed several years ago.  The Tracker is also in storage somewhere in the Toronto area.  Any information on this airframe would be appreciated.
DDJ  11-19-2019

136663:  The continuing saga.  Information provided by Steve Williams indicates that 136663 has now been sold for a second time in a GSA auction.  Steve reports that it is located at the UAC Yard in Tucson, AZ.  Reported selling price was $8,900 by an unnamed bidder.  If it ended up in the UAC Yard, then the unnamed bidder was UAC.  Thank you to Steve for providing the update.

 This was reportedly sold in 2014 with the owner originally intending to get the aircraft flying again.  Then the owner wanted to trade or sell it.  Apparently, this did not work out.  It would appear he did not get it off the government property in a timely manner and it went up for sale again in 2018.  See the bottom of my USA Tracker page for more information.
DDJ 11-16-2019

136508:  More photos and video of this Tracker, now in KS.  Photos and videos provided by Bill Garrison.

Connor Garrison photo.

Connor Garrison photo.

Connor Garrison photo.

Videos provided by Bill Garrison:  Connor Garrison videos.
Engine start and run-ups, 3:42 minutes in length
Engine start, :37 minutes in length
Water dump test on ramp, 2:09 minutes in length

DDJ 4-12-2019

136508:  An update on this Tracker.  It is now at the Hutchison, KS airport.  Owner Bill Garrison has informed me that the Tracker will be used in Kansas as a fire bomber.  This is the first time there has been fire bomber in the state, and Bill will lease to the state of Kansas for use during the summer fire seasons.  Large grass fires is a new issue in Kansas and 136508 has been purchased to help fight the fires.  The retardant tanks and plumbing have all been tested and work just like they did when the aircraft was part of the CALFIRE fleet.  136508 has had its airworthiness certificate issued, the ADs on the props have been completed, and the props reinstalled on the aircraft.  Air crew training will take place the last week of March 2019.
DDJ 3-13-2019

136508 in her hangar at KHUT, KS.  Gordon Cole photo via Bill Garrison. 

Gordon Cole photo via Bill Garrison.

136778:  As a follow-up to determine whether this aircraft was now owned by the Champaign Aviation Museum in Urbana, OH, I visited the Museum on 2-22-2019.  This visit verified Trader 136778 is now actually located in Ohio and is parked inside the Museum's hangar next to the Museum's B-17 restoration project.  According to one of the volunteers working on the B-17, 136778 "Mudflap Girl" was flown up from Eufaula, AL in early January 2019 by the previous owner, Daniel H. Serrato.  The volunteer was under the impression that Dan Serrato had donated the aircraft to the museum.  He also told me that the Museum was going to keep the Trader in flying condition. 
DDJ 2-26-2019

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

Author's photo.

136508:  This Tracker has changed ownership.  As of 2-14-2019, it is now owned by William E Garrison, Jr. of Nickerson, KS.  It was previously owned by Speckline of Carson City, NV.  Mr. Garrison is working on obtaining his type rating for the aircraft.  Hopefully this means he plans on flying it at airshows in the Midwest starting this season.  It is great to see a Tracker back in the Midwest.
DDJ 2-17-2019

136508 at Carson City, NV in May 2010.  It will be interesting to see what the paint scheme is on the aircraft now that it is in Kansas and with a new owner.  Author's photo.

136778:  This C-1A was purchased by the Champaign Aviation Museum in Urbana, OH, on 1-15-2019.  This is part of a collection of growing warbirds at the museum which includes a B-17G undergoing full restoration to flying condition.  The museum is an easy day trip from my house, and I look forward to seeing 133778 on my visits to the museum, and the annual aviation events that take place at the airport.
DDJ 2-17-2019

Trader 136778 departing the 2011 Indianapolis Airshow on Sunday afternoon after the show.  Author's photo.

2018 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:

136663:  Information provided by Steve Williams indicates that 136663 is now up for sale for scrap value in a GSA auction.  This was reportedly sold in 2014 with the owner originally intending to get the aircraft flying again.  Then the owner wanted to trade or sell it.  Apparently, this did not work out.  It would appear he did not get it off the government property in a timely manner.  Now it is up for sale again.  See the bottom of my USA Tracker page for more information.

The GSA sale description indicate the engines and props are for ballast only, as they are failed units.  The rudder is missing from the aircraft.

Thank you to Steve Williams for the update.
DDJ 11-29-2018

136792:  Mystery solved.  Trader C-1A as of Saturday, November 3, 2018, has a new home at the Naval Inventory Control Point at 700 Robbins Ave. in Philadelphia, PA.  It joins six other former Navy aircraft that are already on display out in front of the building.  The centerpiece of the display is an AD-3 Skyraider.  Also on display is an AV-8C, A-6, F-18, F14, SH-60, and an unidentified helicopter or helicopter drone.

Trader 136792 is actually very special.  In 1957 it was the test aircraft for the tail section for the WF-2 Tracer.  The tail section was not removed after testing, and 136792 returned to normal duty with the twin tail.  It is a one-of-kind aircraft.  It was supposed to have turboprop engines installed as part of the test program, but that never came to pass.

Trader 136792 had her Tracer tail section reassembled when pictured at her new home at NAVICP Philadelphia on November 3, 2018.  Photo courtesy of Commander Chuck Mosely, U.S.N. (Retired) of All Coast Aircraft Recovery. 

Photo courtesy of Commander Chuck Mosely, U.S.N. (Retired) of All Coast Aircraft Recovery. 

Photo courtesy of Commander Chuck Mosely, U.S.N. (Retired) of All Coast Aircraft Recovery. 

Photo courtesy of Commander Chuck Mosely, U.S.N. (Retired) of All Coast Aircraft Recovery. 

136792:  More information on Trader 136792's trip to her new home has been provided by Matt Ainslie.  He spotted her at the Cheltenham Mall (Cheltenham, Pa.) on Friday, November 2, 2018.  The driver of the tractor pulling the trailer was not around to be questioned as to the final destination of 136792.

Matt reported back on Saturday November 2 that the Trader had continued its journey.

Photo courtesy of Matt Ainslie.

Photo courtesy of Matt Ainslie.

Thank you to Matt for the update.
DDJ 11-3-201

152800, 152805, 152809, 152811, 152837, 153576, 153578:  New information received from Steve Williams indicates that the sale of these Trackers located in Australia has been completed to United Aeronautical Corporation.  In the near future, they will be shipped to UAC's facility in Tucson, AZ, USA, where they will be used for spare parts for currently flying Trackers.  The UAC yard in Tucson has the largest collection of Tracker parts in the world.

DDJ 11-1-2018

136792:  The three photos below were provided by Jaap Van Dorp, taken by his daughter-in-law Crystal Van Dorp.  They show the fuselage for Trader 136792 sitting on a trailer along westbound I-84 in Danbury, CT on October 27, 2018.  This is the first indication that 136792, which was part of the now closed Quonset Air Museum, is headed to a new home.  It is unknown where the Trader is headed.  Any information on its new home and owner would be most welcome.

This was really good news provided by the van Dorp family.
DDJ 10-28-2018

It would appear these photos were taken at the end of a travel day for 136792 from Quonset Point, RI to Danbury CT.  Due to this being an oversize load which can only travel in daylight, the Trader had to stop for the day.  Photo by Crystal van Dorp via Jaap van Dorp. 

Photo by Crystal van Dorp via Jaap van Dorp. 

Photo by Crystal van Dorp via Jaap van Dorp. 

136660 (Forward Fuselage only) - This is an interesting find of the fuselage of S2F-1 136660.  It was sent in by Aaron Murphy, who photographed it at the Zero Fighter Museum in Kawaguchiko, Japan.  Aaron has contacted several persons who are more familiar with the history of Japanese Trackers than myself.  The consensus is that this is Grumman Serial Number 569 (136660).  This can be seen in the photo of the data plate below.  Interestingly enough, records show that SN 569 (136660) was given an American registration number of N215AK in 1978.  It appears the owner took out N215AK to confirm ownership so he could strip the Tracker for spare parts which was completed in 1979.  The fuselage shown below was then left in Japan.

We want to thank Aaron for allowing us to use his photos, and providing historical details on what's left of Tracker 136660.  DDJ 8-20-2018.

  For those familiar with the numbering of Japanese Trackers, the nose number of 11 corresponds to Grumman Serial number 569, and Bureau Number 136660.  Photo courtesy of Aaron Murphy.

Photo courtesy of Aaron Murphy.

Aaron did a great job of photographing the data plate on the instrument panel, through the Plexiglas side window, with all of the resulting reflections.  He was able to get enough information to identify the aircraft.  Photo courtesy of Aaron Murphy.

136398 - This US-2B has been for sale since 2009 at the Mohave Airport, CA.  It was purchased by Erik Anderson in July 2018.  Mr. Anderson is in the process of making the aircraft airworthy and is planning to obtain flight training for himself and his Chief Pilot.  It is great to see that his Tracker is now going back into flying status.  Hopefully, it will participate in local airshows so the public can see it fly.  See my USA Tracker Page for more details.  DDJ 8-18-2018

Below is a photo of 136398 that I took when I visited it in May 2009.

151664 - Tracker 151664 is located at the former NAS Floyd Bennett Hangar B in Brooklyn, NY at the Historic Aircraft Restoration Project (H.A.R.P.).  151664 is in pretty sad shape.  It was apparently damaged in transit from the Cradle of Aviation Museum, which didn't want it.  The Tracker forlornly sits along a wall with a huge storage box in front of it, somewhat blocking it from public view.  The right wing is not attached and is located in another part of the hangar.  The mechanics in the hangar told me that there is ten years' worth of work on the PBY before they could even think about starting on it.  H.A.R.P. seems to be a well-intentioned group, but is extremely underfunded and understaffed.  The roof leaks, and the hangar is in the same condition it was in 1972 when the Navy left.  In spite of the handicaps the organization faces, it has about a dozen very well restored aircraft, engines and vehicles on display.  Hopefully, some volunteers will take an interest in 151664 and start her restoration.  All of the photos below of 151664 were taken by the author on May 31, 2018.  DDJ 6-23-2018

The port wing is still on the aircraft and it still has the rocket rails attached.

The cowling is off both engines, the flaps are hanging down on the port wing, and the rudder is off the aircraft.

The sonobuoy tubes are still present in both engine nacelles.

The end of the MAD boom is missing, allowing for inspection of the detection device in the boom. 

The flight deck has been gutted of all of the instruments and controls and serves as storage for many of the missing cowlings off of the aircraft.

There are more sheet metal panels stored in the radio compartment.

The starboard outboard wing panel is not attached to the aircraft.

The starboard outboard wing panel.  I do not remember seeing the rudder anywhere in the building.  In the background is the nicely restored A-4 Skyhawk.

Several more of the H.A.R.P. restorations are on display. 

The PBY Catalina is the current restoration project of the group.

The photo shows the north side of the former NAS Bennett Field Hangar B.  This is one of the larger hangars I have been in.  Today the field is no longer an active airport.  The National Park Service now owns the land and former hangars.  It will be interesting to see whether preservation of this hangar and others on the other side of the field will continue, or eventually succumb to redevelopment like so many other former military bases have.

C-1A 136763, C-1A 146025, C-1A 146028, C-1A 146031 - On 4-16-2018 these Traders were seen loaded on semi-trailers outside of  United Aeronautical Corporation's Tucson, AZ facility waiting to be shipped to Marsh Aviation's rebuild facility in Mesa, AZ.  Marsh has been working on converting C-1A Traders into Carrier-on-Board Delivery/Air-to-Air Refueling (COD/AAR) KC-2 Turbo Traders for the Brazilian Navy since 2011.   Information courtesy of Steve Williams. 

For more information and photos on the Brazilian Traders, see my Brazil Trader page.

2017 S2F, C-1 and EB-1 Current Events:

The sad end of C-1A 146502:  I want to thank John Parr from Houston, TX for providing the photos of C-1A 146502 that he took at an antique festival.

The owner of C-1A 146502 contacted me in June 2018 to provide more information on this former Trader.  As noted below, this Trader was severely damaged in 2008's Hurricane Ike flooding while at the Lone Star Museum in Galveston, TX.  The museum has now moved to Houston, TX, to avoid a repeat of another hurricane along the Texas coast destroying its aircraft.   The Lone Star Museum attempted to move this to its new location in Houston, TX.  However, the cost of transportation was excessive.  It was offered to other museums, but none were interested.  Instead of being scrapped, the fuselage was purchased by the current owner and is now a storage trailer for his art that he sells around the country.  One of the engines went to a Texas Museum to be mounted on static T-28 restoration, and the remaining usable parts went to another Trader that is currently flying.  It was the best of a bad situation.  Thank you to Jason Barnett for the update.  DDJ 6-23-2018

  C-1A 146502 belonged to the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston, TX, but went under water during Hurricane Ike in September 2008.  The airframe was considered a  total loss by the museum.  It would appear that the museum sold the aircraft.  When I first saw this photo, I thought, because of the paint job, John had sent me a photo of a C-47 painted in D-Day markings.  It appears that now 146502, minus wings and engines, is displayed at festivals and other such events.  What a sad end to a great aircraft.  Note there is a ramp on the top of the fuselage to the tail section.  The Navy Bureau number 146052 is prominently displayed.   Photo courtesy of John Parr.

The data plate is still on the airframe.  Photo courtesy of John Parr.

The Lone Star Museum Flight Museum opened a new facility in Houston in 2017 to no longer be in the path of hurricanes, as it was in Galveston.  Apparently, the Trader was not considered good enough to be part of the new museum.  The museum let a rare aircraft become a carny display because it did not want to spend the time and effort to restore it to a first-class static display.  Photo courtesy of John Parr.

Photo courtesy of John Parr.

See my Trader Photo page for my photos of 146502 when I visited the Lone Star Museum in 2009 at its former Galveston, TX location.

147217 - The day after photographing the Tracker in New York I was at the New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT where I photographed this Tracer on display.  Photos taken August 12, 2017.

133264 - This Tracker was previously on display at the USS Intrepid Museum in New York City.  It was transferred to its present location at the Empire State Aerosciences Museum, Glenville, NY when the Intrepid had to make room for the Concorde display.  The museum is located on the west side of the Schenectady County Airport.  I visited the museum on August 11, 2017.

136573 - I was able to photograph this Tracker on July 6, 2017.  It was located at the State Technical College of Missouri in Linn, MO.  The aircraft was moved sometime prior to September 2015.  It is being used as a teaching aid, but the FAA registry still shows the owner as Wes Stricker of Rolla, MO.  DDJ  7-10-2017

There is damage to the left wing tip and aileron. 

Both flaps on the aircraft had been removed.

Work has started to repair the hole in the fuselage.


152800, 152805, 152809, 162811, 162816, 152837, 153566, 153576, 163578, 153598, and 153604: 
These Trackers were previously in Australia, and were purchased in 2016 by United Aeronautical Corporation of Hollywood (UAC), CA, USA.  The airframes were purchased to provide UAC with more spare parts, especially landing gears, for the Trackers that are still operating worldwide.  As of September 2016, 152816, 153566, 153598, 153604 were already on site at Tucson, AZ.  This particular purchase has been in the works since 2013.  Not only did UAC have to negotiate the purchase of the airframes in Australia, but it also then needed to get approval from the US Department of Defense to bring them back into the United States.  A little known fact is that this little and ungainly looking aircraft carried nuclear weapons during its military life with the US Navy.

Thank you to Steve Williamson for providing this website with information on this sale.  DDJ 5-3-2017

This Tracker, previously unidentified by this website, was listed for sale by Sky4Buy in April 2015 for $2,500.  More than likely, it did not sell, and was scrapped out in 2015.  DDJ 1-8-2017

2016 Tracker Photos:

RCN 1545:  This is on display at the RCAF Air Museum in Trenton, ONT and was supposed to be under restoration.  Obviously, that has not happened.  Most likely it lost out in restoration priority to the Halifax now on display inside the museum.  DDJ 6-24-2016

149240:  This is located at the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum and was accepted by the US Navy on March 10, 1962.  After serving with the fleet, it joined the Naval Research Laboratories in December 1969.  While there, it performed meteorological and oceanographic research missions, along with tactical missions with chaff and sonobuoys.  Its last flight was to the Museum in February 1981.   

Author's Photo.

Author's Photo.

Author's Photo.

Guest Photos by Ertugrul Birel:  One of the few Grumman Trackers still operating in 2016 is 149850, which is owned by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and utilized as a test platform for new avionic equipment.

Guest Photos by Ozcan Ertem:

Photo of 149263 inside the main gate at Cengiz Topel Naval Air Station at Izmit, Turkey.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

Located at the
Eskisehir Air Museum.

Photo of 149849 at the Eskisehir Air Museum, Turkey.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

149887:  Located at the Kocaeli University Campus in Kocaeli.

Photo of 149887 at the Kocaeli University Campus in Kocaeli.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

Photo of 149887 on the aircraft.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

151663:  Located at
the Air Force Museum at the Ankara Etimesgut Airport.

151668:  Located at the Kayseri Airport. 

151668 sits in the middle of a boulevard.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

Photo of 151668 on the aircraft.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

After more investigation, the following S2F Trackers are also on display in Turkey.

147644:  Located at the Naval Base in Golcuk.

Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

Located at the Eskisehir Airport as part of the Anadolu University there.

Photo of 151679 in the scrap yard at the Eskisehir Airport.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

149850:  On 9-8-2014 Ozcan Ertem provided an update and photo of 148850.  The aircraft was re-registered TC-STF, since all Turkish aircraft are assigned letter registrations.  Obviously, STF is short for "Stoof", made at the suggestion of Ozcan when the change had to be made.

Photo of 149850.  Photo courtesy of Ozcan Ertem.

Previous years' photos can be seen on the
Archived Tracker Update page.

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Original publication date:  11-24-2006

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